Preliminary groundwater modeling of a lower sector of arroyo del Azul basin (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
groundwater modeling, flatland area, phreatic evaporationAbstract
A distributed groundwater flow model has been constructed, with aggregated inputs and parameters for the entire modeling domain. This simplified approach was carried out in order to characterize general processes and adjust the preliminary conceptual model of the sector. Methodologies to complete the discontinuous series of water tables, which were used as the upstream condition, have been proposed. A linear regression between daily precipitation minus evapotranspiration anomalies with a weekly delay and water table levels was selected due to its good results. The aquifer transmissivity, the storage coefficient, a recharge coefficient, a critical depth for evapotranspiration and a shape coefficient for the evapotranspiration vs. water table depth curve were considered as global calibration parameters. The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficients between modeled and observed levels in six wells ranged between 0.58 and 0.72. After the calibration, it can be affirmed that the parameters obtained allow a satisfactory representation of the evolution of observed groundwater levels and of the spatial patterns of the iso-phreatic curves. The prominent role of the evapotranspiration processis evident, which directly impacts in the aquifer, which representing a very relevant output from the system. In the simulationperiod of 43 months, with dry characteristics, the recharge constituted 17% of the precipitation, 87% of it returned to the atmosphere as evapotranspiration, and the aquifer supplied the 12.7% of the ETo of the period. It was considered that the simplified modeling allowed an acceptable representation of the water table dynamics.
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