Metodologías para la estimación del coeficiente de escorrentía en áreas urbanizadas mediante teledetección
Land use, Runoff coefficient, Remote sensingAbstract
The estimation of the runoff coefficient (C) of the rational method in a given area is based on the land use and land cover based on a wide international bibliography. Conventionally this classification is done by interpreting satellite images supported with field supervision. This work focuses on the comparison between the conventional methodology and two methodologies that relate C values with land use estimation based on remote sensing techniques. One of them is based on standardized building indexes (NDBI and UI), while the other is based on supervised classification. In both cases, LANDSAT 8 images are processed. The methodologies were validated by contrasting results in 3 urban basins of Rosario city, in Santa Fe. Differences between 3% and 16% were obtained in both cases when compared to the conventional methodology These alternative proposals imply a significant reduction in the time demanding for the C estimation.
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