Citizen Science, Precipitation, Pampas Ecoregion, Hydrology, Pluviometric NetworkAbstract
In a region such as the Flooding Pampa, where flood and drought cycles are intrinsic characteristics of the system, and where the scarcity of pluviometric networks is evident, citizen science becomes a viable tool to alleviate the lack of information and support decision-making, especially in the context of water resources. Particularly in the district of Azul, historical records of rainfall are scarce despite being a territory heavily devoted to agricultural production and having suffered many floods. This situation motivated the call to rural area residents to form a group in which rainfall records are shared through an instant messaging application for smartphones. The objective of this article is to describe the strategies created for joint work within the framework of the aforementioned group, and to analyze the results obtained so far in this practice of citizen monitoring. This experience has led participating citizens to develop new skills and abilities, and has led participating academics to conceive research as a process of co-creation with the community.
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