Simulación agregada y distribuida de un área de llanura:

arroyo Santa Catalina, partido de Azul, Buenos Aires


  • Georgina Cazenave Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Luis Vives Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Adolfo Villanueva Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras, Buenos Aires, Argentina.



Lumped model, Distributed model, DEM, Plain areas


The surface drainage of a mixed river basin (headwater on the Eastern edge of the Azul hills and middle and low areas on the Pampean plain) was simulated with two hydrological models, a lumped model and a grid model. This work presents the analysis and comparison of the results obtained from the simulation of some flood events. The lumped model used was HEC-HMS, from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The distributed model was System of Simulation SSHH-I, from Rosario National University. For this last model, the digital elevation model (DEM) used was obtained using radar images interferometry techniques. Comparison between the models was made considering two aspects: i) discharge and volumes at the basin outlet; and ii) the capacity to represent the space distribution of water on the surface of the river basin, that is a critical factor for the floods in plain areas. The use of a grid DEM allowed a better representation of the surface movement of water and of storage areas, the being very common in this type of relief, characterized by a basically level morphology. 


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How to Cite

Cazenave, G., Vives, L., & Villanueva, A. (2008). Simulación agregada y distribuida de un área de llanura:: arroyo Santa Catalina, partido de Azul, Buenos Aires. Cuadernos Del CURIHAM Is a Half-Year Publication of the Centro Universitario De Rosario of Hydro-Environmental Research Directed by Adelma Mancinelli. It Is Dedicated to Spreading the Results of Basic and Applied Research As Well As Technological Innovations on the Realm of Hidro-Environmental Issues. It May Include Field Study Results, Interdisciplinary Studies or Studies on the State of Art on the Field: Basic Hydraulics, Fluvial and Hydrodinamics, Superficial and Underground Hydrology, Urban and Stochastic Hydrology, Planning and Management of Hydric Resources, Environmental Evaluation, Pollution and Quality of the Water, Politics and Water Legislation, Regional Hydro-Environmental Management, Hydraulic Construction, Methods and Techniques and Everything Related to Hydro-Environmental Sciences., 14, 27–39.




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