Análisis de las modificaciones en la hidrodinámica en un tramo del Río Paraná inferior mediante la aplicación del modelo matemático telemac-2d


  • Florencia Peruzzo Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.
  • Gerardo Riccardi Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.
  • Pedro Basile Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.



Two-dimensional modelling, Lowland alluvial rivers, Paraná River, Telemac-2D


In this paper the implementation of a two-dimensional simulation model using a triangular irregular mesh to characterize the hydrodynamics of a reach of the Low Parana River between the km 410 and the km 452 of the Santa Fe – Ocean waterway is presented. Two constitutions were created from bathymetric surveys carried out in the periods of years 2004-2006 and 2010-2012 and steady and unsteady flow simulations were performed with the two-dimensional model Telemac-2D. In steady flow measured discharges between 11640 m 3 /s and 28600 m 3 /s were used, whereas in unsteady flow the series of discharges registered in the period 01/01/2004 to 31/12/2004 and in the period 16/03/2015 to 15/03/2016 were considered for each model constitution respectively. The variables of adjustment were the water levels observed at Rosario (ROS-km 416) and Puerto San Martin (PSM-km 448), using the Manning roughness coefficient as a calibration parameter. Moreover, discharges and velocities were compared with those measured by the Faculty of Engineering and Water Sciences (FICH) and by the University of Bologna, obtaining a good approximation. Then the flow partitions were compared in each constitution in the four bifurcations of the reach, observing an increase of the percentages of the total flow derived by the right arm.</


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How to Cite

Peruzzo, F., Riccardi, G., & Basile, P. (2017). Análisis de las modificaciones en la hidrodinámica en un tramo del Río Paraná inferior mediante la aplicación del modelo matemático telemac-2d. Cuadernos Del CURIHAM Is a Half-Year Publication of the Centro Universitario De Rosario of Hydro-Environmental Research Directed by Adelma Mancinelli. It Is Dedicated to Spreading the Results of Basic and Applied Research As Well As Technological Innovations on the Realm of Hidro-Environmental Issues. It May Include Field Study Results, Interdisciplinary Studies or Studies on the State of Art on the Field: Basic Hydraulics, Fluvial and Hydrodinamics, Superficial and Underground Hydrology, Urban and Stochastic Hydrology, Planning and Management of Hydric Resources, Environmental Evaluation, Pollution and Quality of the Water, Politics and Water Legislation, Regional Hydro-Environmental Management, Hydraulic Construction, Methods and Techniques and Everything Related to Hydro-Environmental Sciences., 23, 35–49.




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