Distributed hydrological modeling of Río Grande Basin (Córdoba, Argentina) based on satellite-derived precipitation data
Hydrological Models, SWAT , Continuous Simulation, Automatic Calibration, Remote SensingAbstract
The development, implementation, and calibration of a continuous simulation hydrological model for the Río Grande basin (Córdoba, Argentina) is presented. This basin, with an area of 592.7 km², is located on the eastern slope of the Sierra de Comechingones range. To better represent the spatial distribution of precipitation, a procedure for assimilating precipitation data derived from the PDIR-Now satellite product, together with seven rain gauge stations, was implemented. The model was implemented using the SWAT+ (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) program and calibrated through the SWAT+ Toolbox program. For the description of the drainage network in SWAT+, the hydraulic geometry relationships were adjusted based on local observations. The calibration was carried out using a flow measurement section at the basin's discharge point. The parameters with the highest sensitivity and their modifications resulting from the calibration, along with the adjustment statistics, are presented. It is considered that the implemented model reasonably describes the hydrological behavior of the Río Grande basin, typical example of the watersheds in the mountainous region of Córdoba.
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