El derecho al agua


  • Hugo Orsolini Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.




Human rights, Drinking water


On 10 december of the year 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations, by resolution 217 A (III),
adopted the Universal Declaration of human rights, incorporating all the basic rights of the human being,
except -oddly- of the right to drinking water. It was necessary to wait for more than 60 years, for on 28 july
of the year 2010, through the resolution 64/292, the General Assembly of the United Nations explicitly
recognize the human right to water and sanitation. We also heard in recent years -particularly in chance of
electoral events- political speeches that elegant expressions reaffirming the right to water, although without
providing even a proposed "quick" how to guarantee such right, and much less of the legal tools for your
protection. In the present work, referred to the risk of hydric diseases; to the historical references to human
rights, and in particular of the right to water and sanitation in the province of Santa Fe; and the historical
absence of a policy in this regard; water for human consumption as the main objective of the proposed water
policy; the guarantees of the right to water, and a basic proposal of legal system for such guarantees.


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How to Cite

Orsolini, H. (2019). El derecho al agua. Cuadernos Del CURIHAM Is a Half-Year Publication of the Centro Universitario De Rosario of Hydro-Environmental Research Directed by Adelma Mancinelli. It Is Dedicated to Spreading the Results of Basic and Applied Research As Well As Technological Innovations on the Realm of Hidro-Environmental Issues. It May Include Field Study Results, Interdisciplinary Studies or Studies on the State of Art on the Field: Basic Hydraulics, Fluvial and Hydrodinamics, Superficial and Underground Hydrology, Urban and Stochastic Hydrology, Planning and Management of Hydric Resources, Environmental Evaluation, Pollution and Quality of the Water, Politics and Water Legislation, Regional Hydro-Environmental Management, Hydraulic Construction, Methods and Techniques and Everything Related to Hydro-Environmental Sciences., 21, 19–39. https://doi.org/10.35305/curiham.v21i0.35


