¿Existe un prototipo de hietograma sintético para diseño hidrológico?


  • Gabriel Caamaño Nelli Instituto Nacional del Agua y Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Córdoba, Argentina.
  • Clarita Dasso Instituto Nacional del Agua y Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Córdoba, Argentina.
  • Ezequiel Mascuka Instituto Nacional del Agua, Córdoba, Argentina.




Design rainfall, Typical hyetographs, Accumulated distribution, Maximum rainfall, Intervals of order


The critical rainfall considered to avert disasters due to floods is the design rainfallthat hypothetically will occur in the future with certain frequency. Its use is due to the absence of historical series of flow able to de-duce the design flood. To predict the design hyetograph, which shape markedly affects the result hydrograph shape; there are numerous statistical and deterministic alternatives. Among the former, commonly used, it is assumed that the more plausible side comes from the synthesis of historical events. Then, this should be the paradigm for those schemes proposed as an alternative. But, as it seems that different mechanisms of synthe-sis do not produce similar shapes, typical hyetographs have been deduced by the Huff’s (1967) and Pilgrim’s et al. (1969) methods, characteristic of the approach mentioned and various rates have been compared to see if they constitute a variation of the same matrix. The tests considered 16 cases corresponding to four inter-vals’ duration of maximum intensity annual rainfall in four stations from the centre of Argentina. It has beenestablished that there is no essential concordance between the results of both techniques. There is not a unique archetype since there is a low correlation and it occurs for probabilities of no surplus superior to the advisable value for the Huff procedure.


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How to Cite

Caamaño Nelli, G., Dasso, C., & Mascuka, E. (2009). ¿Existe un prototipo de hietograma sintético para diseño hidrológico?. Cuadernos Del CURIHAM Is a Half-Year Publication of the Centro Universitario De Rosario of Hydro-Environmental Research Directed by Adelma Mancinelli. It Is Dedicated to Spreading the Results of Basic and Applied Research As Well As Technological Innovations on the Realm of Hidro-Environmental Issues. It May Include Field Study Results, Interdisciplinary Studies or Studies on the State of Art on the Field: Basic Hydraulics, Fluvial and Hydrodinamics, Superficial and Underground Hydrology, Urban and Stochastic Hydrology, Planning and Management of Hydric Resources, Environmental Evaluation, Pollution and Quality of the Water, Politics and Water Legislation, Regional Hydro-Environmental Management, Hydraulic Construction, Methods and Techniques and Everything Related to Hydro-Environmental Sciences., 15, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.35305/curiham.v15i0.65




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