Introducción al análisis del flujo a través de bifurcaciones en canales con escurrimiento a superficie libre


  • Franco Trivisonno Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.
  • Gerardo Riccardi Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.
  • Hernán Stenta Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.



Open channel bifurcation, Channel branches, Division of flow


Hydraulic structures of bifurcation, widely used on superficial flow, allow the division of the approaching discharge into two or more portions. This study comprises a bibliographic review on the subject and the application of a theoretical model for the preliminary design of a flow division structure: a bifurcation in the water system Ibarlucea-Ludueña (Rosario, Argentina) which aims to derive flow from superficial courses to a closed conduit system to construct, called Aliviador 3 Ramal Grandoli. It was described the hydraulic mechanism that allows the division of half the flow transported by the Ibarlucea channel through a channel of the middle of its width and with a minimum slope, so as to satisfy a limitation on the Froude number (implicit in the used model). In addition, associated energy loss coefficients were computed. It was verified that it is possible to determine a set of geometric features providing the preliminary design of the flow division work through the methodology presented in this paper, although it is clearly stated that to address the complete design of such a hydraulic structure it would be necessary to address experimental study by physically modeling the hydraulic structure for a more accurate flow description.


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How to Cite

Trivisonno, F., Riccardi, G., & Stenta, H. (2012). Introducción al análisis del flujo a través de bifurcaciones en canales con escurrimiento a superficie libre. Cuadernos Del CURIHAM Is a Half-Year Publication of the Centro Universitario De Rosario of Hydro-Environmental Research Directed by Adelma Mancinelli. It Is Dedicated to Spreading the Results of Basic and Applied Research As Well As Technological Innovations on the Realm of Hidro-Environmental Issues. It May Include Field Study Results, Interdisciplinary Studies or Studies on the State of Art on the Field: Basic Hydraulics, Fluvial and Hydrodinamics, Superficial and Underground Hydrology, Urban and Stochastic Hydrology, Planning and Management of Hydric Resources, Environmental Evaluation, Pollution and Quality of the Water, Politics and Water Legislation, Regional Hydro-Environmental Management, Hydraulic Construction, Methods and Techniques and Everything Related to Hydro-Environmental Sciences., 18, 63–85.




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