Water table
its influence on the irrigation schedule in pepita fruit trees
Groundwater, Capillary flow, Sustainable irrigation, Northern PatagoniaAbstract
The goal was to quali-quantitatively analyze capillary flow and evaluate its influence on irrigation scheduling in pear (Pyrus communis) cv. William`s. During four consecutive cycles, the daily average humidity, the matric potential and salinity of the soil, and the levels and salinity of the phreatic were measured with specific sensors. The depth of the water table fluctuated between 1.00 m and 1.10 m, and its salinity between 1.5 dS.m-1 and 1.6 dS.m-1. The humidity mean values of the root exploration profile were in the band of the easily available water, maintaining a salt balance. By using the WinIsareg software, the simulated water balance was adjusted to the soil moisture content recorded by the sensors in each cycle. The resulting replacement sheets were contrasted with the crop water requirements and the contributions of the capillary flow were estimated to be 290 mm up to 499 mm, depending on the season. These values represented 1/3 - 2/3 of the crop water requirement, reducing the average irrigation provision 35% - 64%. The irrigations carried out allowed to obtain yields similar to the reference value in the area and were 50% less than those programmed in conditions of deep water table.
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