Ecosystem services provided by soils in a basin of Santa Fe, Argentina
Soils, Ecosystem services, Rural basinsAbstract
Soils are part of the ecosystem and provide multiple services that are not properly considered by society. The objective of this work is to evaluate them in a rural basins, in order to identify and assess the environmental, social, cultural and economic functions and benefits they provide. In the Ludueña stream basin in the south of Santa Fe (Argentina), a methodology was applied to assess the power of the ecosystem services provided by the soils according to the categories: provision, regulation, support and cultural. This consisted of four stages that made it possible to evaluate the power of each cartographic unit present as well as of the basin. In relation to the total values of the ecosystem services of the cartographic units, a difference of 5.8% was found between those with the lowest power and those with the highest power, indicating that the ecosystem services of the latter are not much superior despite possess better productive ability. Those of less aptitude contribute beneficial attributes to the environment that balance the total account of the powers of the eco-services they provide. The proportion of regulating ecosystem services provided by soils is the highest (32%), with support being the lowest (17%). In the studied basin, soils provide a relevant contribution to maintaining the balance of functions and processes that is independent of their productive aptitudes. It is the role they perform as a resource that provides multiple benefits, which allows them to be recognized as articulators of various environmental dimensions
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