Changes in land use in the basin of the Ludueña stream, Santa Fe:
impact on sustainability and ecosystem services
Land use, Biophysical sustainability, Ecosystem services, Rural basinsAbstract
In the Pampa region of Argentina, in the last decades, agroecosystems have evolved towards more agricultural than livestock schemes. The natural grasslands were being replaced mainly by agriculture, affecting territorial biophysical sustainability. Likewise, there were negative effects on ecosystem services (SE) as a result of these transformations. The objective of this work is to assess the impact of land use change over four decades on biophysical sustainability (SB) and on the SE servicies, in the basin of Ludueña stream in southern Santa Fe (Argentina). To evaluate the SB changes between 1976-2015, three indicators were used: Remaining Vegetation Index (IVR), Demographic Pressure Index (IPD) and Environmental Criticality Index (ICA). Three types of ecosystems and nine land coverings were identified and ecosystem services were valued through the methodology developed by Castañeda Camacho (2013). The results indicate that the basin is in danger, and the SB with low probabilities of persistence, with high environmental risk, mainly due to the greater change of the IVR. Forest plantations, native forests and the main stream are the most important cover for the provision of SE and agricultural crops represent a low ecological importance coverage. The nine coverings contribute in different proportions with the ecosystems to sustain the ecological balance and receive the waste. It is necessary to produce as quickly as possible, changes in the use of land that are oriented to balance the surface of temporary pastures with agriculture, expand the dedicated to forest plantations, and preserve all aquatic ecosystems.
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