Water-sediment-fluorescent tracer interaction in a reactor. Measurement of flocs
Fluorescent tracer, Sediments, ReactorAbstract
The objective was to study in controlled laboratory conditions the interaction between the Amidorhodamine G fluorescent tracer and sediments of the Salado river (Santa Fe), with d50 = 11.6 μm and 97% of fine sediments. A cylindrical reactor designed for this purpose and for different hydrodynamic conditions were used. The tangential and radial velocities were measured by an ADV probe, while floc sizes, turbidity and other variables were determined with multiparametric probes. The range of angular velocities (N) used was a function of the expected shear stresses for different river scenarios. The results obtained in a first test using the sediments in distilled water were contrasted with those of a second test, in which tracer was added. The maximum floc sizes, df50≈48 μm, were obtained without rhodamine, for concentrations of total suspended solids (SST) between 50 and 100 mg/L and N>150 rpm. For SST greater than 100 mg/L the df50 decayed to df50≈25 μm for the entire range of N, regardless of the presence of the tracer. For SST>150 mg/L with rhodamine the df50 were greater between 5 and 10% than those obtained without rhodamine. It is concluded that both the turbidity and floc sizes were affected by the tracer presence, for different N and SST.
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