ISSN 2683-8168 (En línea)
Peer-review process
All articles/technical notes received undergo the following stages.
First, the papers are reviewed by the Editorial Board and only those articles/technical notes that meet the scientific and editorial standards, aims and approach of the Journal move on to the next stage.
Second, a review is carried out by the Review Board. CUADERNOS DE CURIHAM uses the single-blind peer review protocol for the evaluation of articles or technical notes. Each article or technical note is analyzed by high-level experts of recognized national and international prestige in their professional field, who recommend whether it is accepted, provisionally accepted, provisionally not accepted or not accepted.
Finally, the Editorial Board of the journal will be responsible for the final decision on whether or not to publish the article or technical note. Additionally, the authors must approve the final version of their texts.
In case of discrepancies between the reviewers’ opinions, the Editorial Board will decide whether to publish the paper or not. The results of the peer review process will be final in all cases.
Any article or technical note rejected in the peer review process will not be accepted for a new review process.
If rejection is due to form, the authors will be notified, and the article or technical note may be re-submitted to the journal.
A guide is available for reviewers to help them prepare their opinions.