Information For Authors



The CUADERNOS DE CURIHAM journal is a publication edited by the Rosario University Center for Hydro-environmental Research (CURIHAM), College of Exact Sciences, Engineering and Land Surveying, National University of Rosario, Argentina.


The aim of the journal is to disseminate basic and applied research papers, as well as technological innovations in the hydro-environmental field. In addition, this publication may include the results of field research studies and interdisciplinary studies, as well as papers on the state of art on the subject area.


The topics covered are: Fundamental and Fluvial Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics; Surface and Ground Water Hydrology; Urban Hydrology; Sanitary Engineering, Experimental Hydraulics, Water Supply Systems, Stochastics; Planning and Management of Water Resources; Environmental Assessment; Water Pollution and Quality; Water Policy and Legislation; Regional Hydro-Environmental Management; Hydraulic Works, Construction Methods and Techniques; and all the issues related to the hydro-environmental sciences. The content of this journal is intended for researchers, teachers, graduate and undergraduate students and professionals in the areas related to its subject.


The articles and technical notes submitted for publication in CUADERNOS DEL CURIHAM must be original unpublished works that are not simultaneously being considered for publication elsewhere. Authors are responsible for the content, originality and authenticity of their articles or technical notes.

Authors do not pay any fees to the journal for processing, submission or publication of their articles and technical notes.

If you have any questions, please contact or



Article: unpublished scientific document that deals with and communicates for the first time the results of a successful research or innovation, whose contributions add to and increase the current knowledge on hydro-environmental matters. Recommended up to 25 pages (including tables, charts and figures)

Technical Note: unpublished document that presents a review of a specific topic or an implementation of a standard technique or work derived from professional practice in the hydro-environmental field. Recommended up to 10 pages (including tables, charts and figures)



Articles and technical notes will be submitted to peer-review by a Review Board.

The final version of the article should be preferably written in Spanish, Portuguese or English.

Papers and all correspondence should be sent by email to, copying to

The file format should be A4 page size (210mm x 297mm) with margins. Top: 4 cm; Bottom: 3.7 cm; Left: 3 cm; Right: 2.5 cm; Header 3 cm; Footer: 2.3 cm.

The font should be Times New Roman 10 with single line spacing.

First page: one column. Following pages: 2 columns wide: 7.5 cm and 0.5 cm spacing.

A format tempalte is available for authors.



Use Microsoft Word from the Office 2007 suite or higher, single spacing, and double spacing when formulas are involved.

In the main text, tables, figures, equations, etc. the period should be used as decimal separator. The thousands separator will be marked with a blank space.

Units will be expressed according to the International System of Units. The forward slash (/) will be used to express, for example, m³/s (the form m³s-1 is not allowed). The previous instructions apply to the main text, tables and figures.

Paragraphs should have justified-text alignment and begin without tabulation or indentation.

Do not use the header and/or footer for references or notes.



Primary title: it should be written in capital letters and bold, leaving two blank lines above, one below and aligned to the left.

Secondary title: it should be written in lowercase and bold, leaving a blank line above, one below and aligned to the left.

Tertiary and subsequent titles: they must be written in lowercase and bold, leaving a blank line above, none below and aligned to the left.


First Page

Title in the language of the paper (in both languages). Up to 2 lines. Capital letters and bold with centered alignment.

Author(s) personal information. Full name and surname, institutional affiliation, ORCID, city, nationality, email.

Abstract: no more than 200 words both in its final version and in English (if the paper is written in English,
the abstract must be in English and Spanish).

Keywords in both languages (up to 5).

The ORCID number is required. If you do not have it, the ORCID number can be created by registering on the page The ORCID number is a persistent, unique and free identifier for people to use while participating in research, scholarship and innovation activities.


Following Pages

The paper should have, as far as possible, the following layout: Introduction; Objectives; Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions and Bibliographic References. Attachments are not allowed.


Format of Figures, Tables, Photos, Maps

Tables, images, photos, charts, figures and maps should be adapted to the available space respecting 1 or 2 columns wide.

List the objects (figures, tables, photos, maps, etc.) in the order they are mentioned in the text, e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Enumeration such as Figure 1a or Table 2a is not allowed.

Tables should be in Times New Roman 9 pts, in black and white or grayscale with sharp contrast and include borders delimited by a continuous line.

The descriptive text, names and numbering of tables, charts, photos, maps, figures, etc. should be in Times New Roman 8 pts in bold and centered. For images, photos, charts, figures and maps, they should be placed below the object. For Tables, above it.

Tables should not be images, but editable text.

In the version submitted for printing, the images, photos, charts, maps and figures should be pasted in the text as an enhanced metafile image; in black and white or grayscale with sharp contrast.

For the online version, the images, photos, charts, figures and maps should have a resolution of 300 DPI in color (size not less than 13X18 cm) and should be a single element per figure. Images, photos, charts, figures and maps should be sent in a separate file (JPG or TIFF format).

In both cases (for printed or digital version), the final size of the text within the figures should be equivalent to Times New Roman 8 or 9 pts.


Format of equations

Equations should be numbered consecutively as quoted in the text, with Arabic numerals, for example: equation (3). A blank space should be left above and below each equation. Equations should be made with the Word Equation Editor. Other equation formats will be rejected. Equations as image or text are not allowed. 

Equation Style: Math. 

Use Times New Roman font for Text, Function, Variable (italics), Matrix-vector (bold) and Number. 

Use Symbol font for Uppercase Greek, Lowercase Greek (italics) and Symbol. 

Equation size: Normal (9 pts); Subscript/Superscript (7 pts); Sub-subscript/Superscript (5 pts); Symbol (14 pts), Sub-symbol (10 pts)



Acknowledgements will be included after the text and before the references.


Quotations and References

For quotations and references, please follow the APA (American Psychological Association) Style 6th edition.



Within the text, use the Author-Date quotation system. All quotations should correspond to a bibliographic reference. The bibliographic list should not include sources that are not referenced in the text.



The list of references shall be in alphabetical order by author surname, with hanging indentation.

If more than one work by the same author(s) is included in the reference list, they will be arranged by year of publication, starting from the oldest.

If more than one work by the same author(s) and the same year of publication are included in the list of references, they will be arranged by title. The letters a, b, c,... following the year in brackets will be used to differentiate them (2010a, 2010b, etc.).

Book: Surname, A. A. (Year). Title. City, Country: Publisher

Book with editor: Surname, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Title. City, Country: Publisher.

Electronic book: Surname, A. A. (Year). Title. Retrieved from http://www…

Electronic book with DOI: Surname, A. A. (Year). Title. doi: xx

Book chapter: Only in the case of compilations and anthologies where each chapter has a different author and one compiler or editor: Surname, A. A., and Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or entry. In A. A. Surname. (Ed.), Book Title (pp. xx-xx). City, Country: Publisher.

Periodicals in printed format: Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B, and Surname, C. C. (Date). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume (number), pp-pp.

Periodicals with DOI: Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B, and Surname, C. C. (Date). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume (number), pp-pp. doi: xx

Online periodicals: Surname, A. A. (Year). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume (number), pp-pp. Retrieved from http: // www…

Printed newspaper article: Surname A. A. (Date). Title of the article. Name of the newspaper, pp-pp. Or for the version without author: Title of the article. (Date). Name of the newspaper, pp-pp.

Online newspaper article: Surname, A. A. (Date). Title of the article. Name of the newspaper. Retrieved from http://www…

Degree thesis: Author, A. (Year). Thesis title (undergraduate, master or doctoral thesis). Name of the institution, Place.

Online degree thesis: Author, A. and Author, A. (Year). Thesis title (undergraduate, master or doctoral thesis). Retrieved from http://www…

Reference to websites: Surname, A. A. (Date). Title of the page. Place of publication: Publishing house. Retrieved from http://www…

Sources on CDs: Surname, A. (Year of publication). Title of the work (edition) [CD-ROM]. Place of publication: Publishing house.

Internet forums, list of electronic addresses and other online communities: Author, (Day, Month, Year) Message title [Description of the form] Retrieved from htpp://www…



It is essential to submit the Statement of Originality signed by all the authors of the paper. Please send it to: and .



The author(s) of the paper must send their complete affiliation data, postal address, e-mail address, ORCID number,  specialty or area of knowledge, current positions and degrees (Engineer, Master, PhD. Name of the degree in full and awarding entity).

If possible, the suggestion of possible reviewers for the evaluation of their work is requested, indicating name and surname, email and affiliation.

Please send it to: and